Armando Sanchez | Worship Leader

Armando Sanchez grew up in the border town of Tecate, Baja California, Mexico — a proximity that birthed curiosity about the American culture as he interacted often with missionaries helping to develop his community and city. He is an educator, music producer, videographer and musician, as well as the son of musicians and worshipers.

Starting at a young age in his church band, Armando has now been serving in worship ministry for more than 10 years. He previously worked at the CEART institute of music in Mexico, teaching classical guitar and musical solfeo, among other instruments. He spent the last couple of years as a missionary in Tolima, Colombia, with his wife Annarose, supporting a local church plant.

Armando is interested in developing communities of worship, discipleship, and empowering the Latino community.

Feel free to check out his music, found on platforms under "Armando Don,” where he seeks to share the good news, justice and love through urban music ministry. You’ll hear sounds such as rap, R&B, hiphop, Latin music and worship.