Tables of Belonging

"Behold what manner of love the Father has given unto us, that we should be called children of God!" 1 John 3:1

In a world marked by differences, the church has an opportunity to be a place of hope, offering embrace and unity to those seeking a sense of belonging. At the heart of this is the profound need for acceptance and inclusion, as individuals yearn to be embraced for who they are without judgment or reservation. The need to belong is hardwired into the life of every person.

Just as a well-set table is a sign for all to come and feast, so should the church create "Tables of Belonging." These tables are spaces where diversity and differences are acknowledged and celebrated, where each individual's unique tapestry is encouraged to be woven into the community. 

It can be challenging to navigate the erected walls to keep the "other," someone different from us, from joining. But the church has the power and potential to break down those walls and create a sense of unity and belonging. Though it often fails to seize this opportunity, the church can be the place of "home" many long for. We know it can be tough to feel like you belong when faced with many differences. That's why we must focus on creating a safe and empathetic environment that welcomes everyone, regardless of who they are or where they come from. Together, we can build a more inclusive and compassionate community.

Acceptance should be a dauntlessly held value within the church and must extend beyond theological alignment, racial background, sexual orientation, or cultural similarities. It should encompass an open-hearted embrace that acknowledges and appreciates the differences that make each person valued in our community of faith. In this inclusive environment, the church becomes a haven where individuals can share their stories, perspectives, and struggles without fear of rejection.

By prioritizing love, acceptance, forgiveness, and inclusion, the church transforms into a refuge where Christ can be tangibly experienced, and all can flourish (John 14:34-35). Creating Tables of Belonging is not just a call to action; it is a resolute commitment to building a community that mirrors the unconditional love exemplified by our founder, Jesus. In doing so, the church fulfills its higher purpose as a refuge where everyone, regardless of their background, can find comfort, support, and a true sense of belonging.